Furzedown Churches and Furzedown Team Ministry
St James' Church, Welham Road
Mitcham Lane Baptist Church, Welham Rd
St Paul's Church, Chillerton Rd
St Alban's Church, Pretoria Rd
Furzedown Churches have had a longstanding covenant relationship, with the first formal covenant being signed in 1998. It is made up of St James’ Church, Mitcham Lane Baptist Church, St Alban’s Church, and St Paul’s Church. The Furzedown Team Ministry was formed in March 2012, and consists of the 3 Anglican churches in Furzedown: St James’, St Paul’s and St Alban’s churches. The Team Rector of the Furzedown Team Ministry is Rev. Rob Powell, who is at St James’ church; Rev Belemo Alagoah is Associate Vicar at St Paul’s church, and Rev. Marc Richeux is Team Vicar at St Alban’s church. Rev Gemma Dunning is the pastor at Mitcham Lane Baptist Church .
Rev Rob Powell
Rev Marc Richeux
Rev Gemma Dunning
Rev Belemo Alagoah
A Team Ministry is a grouping together of churches for mutual support and to further ministry in the whole area. The Furzedown Team Ministry has separate parishes and church councils, but also now has a Team Council, where matters relating to all the churches, and to joint ministry, are discussed.
As much as possible, we aim for all 4 churches (Furzedown Churches) to be involved in our ministry to the wider community: this is particularly true of our youth work, which we jointly fund and provide directors for the Furzedown Youth Centre charity. Furzedown Churches support a Foodbank Centre at Mitcham Lane Baptist Church, and runs a week of activities in the summer for older people, as well as holiday clubs for children through the year. We also join in local community activities together, such as the Furzedown Big Day Out and Christmas Market. We run a number of services together, such as our joint Christmas carol service, a dawn service at Easter, and a termly evening service of worship and teaching. Furzedown Churches also runs joint courses through the year, such as our Lent courses, marriage preparation, and CPAS's Growing Leaders course.
If you would like to know more about Furzedown Churches, or the joint activities mentioned, please take a look at the church websites, or the Furzedown Youth Centre site. For matters related to the Furzedown Team Ministry, please contact St James’ Church.